It’s August. Stay cool. Eat cool. Cucumber gazpacho. Popsicles. Tomato sandwiches.
Slow Your Casserole
I asked people about their favorite casserole and I got a lot of answers. People mention casseroles that I never heard of before like King Ranch and Chicken Divan. Listen to my latest podcast episode which is all about casseroles. The Nichelle Newsletter podcast is available on Apple podcasts and Spotify.
Spruce Up Your Wine Spritzer
I am all in for wine spritzers. They are great for summer drinking. You can be more creative that just adding seltzer to wine. How about grapefruit Jarritos added to sauvignon blanc?! Check out this article by Lia Picard.
Hard Seltzer is Just Gentrified Malt Liquor
I have ranted about the proliferation of hard seltzers on the market. There are a few that I like; however, they are marketed as though they are wine coolers when they are not. Hard seltzers are malt liquors. Colt 45 is malt liquor, and so is White Claw. Soon there will be a Topo Chico hard seltzer. Coca Cola, who owns the Topo Chico brand, will be rolling out a hard seltzer later this year.
Pickled Peach Salsa
Georgia peaches are having a “hot girl summer”. They are plentiful and delicious. Over the weekend I added a little peach jam to my burger. It was a game changer. I encourage you to incorporate peaches in your savory dishes. This recipe for peach salsa is a great one.
The Hungry Hutch’s Cooking Video
I met Aaron (@thehungryhutch) years ago at a food blogger event. He did a cook my challenge video for the New York Times. Aaron has a great recipe for rye chocolate chip cookies that I can’t wait to try.
Check out my list of books on food. Read this article about Whetstone in Mother Jones.